Stories of Laie:

1. April Fool's Day Tsunami of 1946 and Bishop Hamana Kalili

2. Lumber for the Temple

It’s said that eventually Ralph Woolley, the project manager, knelt in prayer and asked for a solution. And soon after, the weather turned rough and a particularly bad storm blew in. During the course of it, a large freighter, which was a rare sight on that side of the island, somehow went off course and became stranded on a reef just off shore from Laie.

Some have speculated about where the ship stranding actually occurred (some people have said it was off Laie Point, and others have said that maybe it was near Goat Island), but near the end of his life, Gustave Kaleohano, brother of Hamana Kalili, briefly remarked that the stranding of the ship happened off of Malaikahana, which is identified by the stretch of beach just north of Laie Bay.

When the weather began to break, some of the fishermen from Laie went out to offer help. The captain and the shipping company, fearful that the ship would become wrecked, offered the men from Laie a trade: help them offload their cargo, and they could have it all. And the cargo they were carrying? Wood. And lots of it. All hands turned out, and as the its load lightened and the tide came in, the ship lifted off the reef and was able to escape to safety. The lumber was floated into shore, brought up onto the beach, and then transported up to the temple site. Before long the work was underway again.

3. Story of Joseph F Smith's Mission to Hawaii


Tell story of how he was called and why.

4.  David O McKay's Prophetic Vision

“As the school grew, David O. McKay was doing a world tour. Hawaii was his last stop and he went to the mission school to observe elementary children raise the flag. When he saw the many different nationalities and ethnic groups of the children he was so touched,” Housman said.

David O. McKay was overwhelmed by what he saw because it was the first place he witnessed different people from different countries congregate in one place. “It was really a memorable experience for him. So much so that when he became prophet, he felt the school should be built. In 1955, the Church College of Hawaii was established.”

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