Another Mission Call

 On October 20th, both Janice and I received notice of identical letters as follows:


Mission Call Letter

We immediately did a little sleuthing and found out that we will be serving in Laie Hawaii with the Seminary and Institute program there.  We even got together by phone with our director there.  Apparently, he had just submitted the request the week before to the Church and when our call was being considered it popped up and we were a match!  We are still pinching ourselves not believing that we can go on another mission to a Polynesian Island and work with the people we have grown to love so much.  We will be teaching a couple of institute classes at night at BYU Hawaii and helping train and supervise the early morning seminary teachers in the area. 

We will leave for the Provo Missionary Training Center on January 17th and leave there on January 27th for Hawaii.  We have many things to do before we leave including getting our home ready, our yard ready, our waterlines ready, and getting our missionary clothing ordered for Hawaiian weather.  We will keep you posted on our progress as we get closer and continue to thank God for his generous blessings upon us.

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