Pigs, Chickens, and Chicks - Oh My!

 Wow!  This week went by fast.  We are keeping very busy and time is "flying."  Our Institute now has a working ping pong table and the young adults have put a couple of hours playing time on it this week.  We are hoping everything gets approved and that soon, we can open things up on Monday night for the Institute students to come and gather and play.  We were fortunate to catch the last Foosball table at Costco and bought it yesterday.  lt will be a great addition to our post-lesson activities.

We have been spreading the news that there is institute available on Wednesday and Thursday nights.  Everywhere we go, we run into young people who are eligible to  come.  We had over 100 attend this week. Unfortunately, it was 90 in Brother Meyers class and 10 in ours.  We are hoping ours will keep growing.

We visited the family we have been assigned to minister to.  They are delightful.  Toni was off hunting a pig and his wife, Hele sent us this picture.

We hope to get to know them better.  We wish we would have had time to help dress the pig and get it ready for smoking. Perhaps next time we visit, we will get a taste.

Speaking of BBQ, Janice got me a portable BBQ grill for Valentines day and already, we have had hot dogs on the beach and hamburgers on the Lenai.  Janice knows that the way to my heart is good food.  I love her!!!!!

While we were at the beach cooking hot dogs, an older couple came by from Philadelphia.  They are both doctors of psychology and work only a couple of days a week online.  They travel a lot and work from wherever they are.  We invited them to have some hot dogs and they were most complimentary.  Janice had made a mango mustard sauce and pineapple/cilantro relish and it made the dogs really sing!  We had a great visit with them and talked a bit about the Church and what we do on our mission.  
While we were eating a flock of chickens congregated around us waiting for us to leave so they could clean up any crumbs that we dropped on the ground.  Apparently, it is illegal to kill the chickens in any of the islands here because they are a protected species of jungle fowl.  They are prolific!  We have several broods of chicks that roam our yard.  Indeed, some of the chickens look a little different.  We frequently see classified adds advertising for free chickens.  You can live trap them and relocate them.


  The environment here lends itself to beautiful flowers.  We delight in the beautiful hibiscus, plumeria, and bird-of-paradise flowers that are blooming around our yard and neighborhood.
View of the Temple just behind our house at about 6:30 PM tonight.

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