Visiting and Surfing

 This week, we were grateful to get busy and get to work on our assignment.  We are encouraged not only by the scope of the work but the willingness of people here to help us.  We have found out that there are literally thousands of young people that could be benefitting from attending Institute.  Not only for the teachings of Jesus Christ and the hope of His Gospel but the strength they get by being together with each other.  We got the first stake list with hundreds of potential students.  We will receive 3 more stakes in this area.  We have started visiting with our students at their homes and are delighted to get to know them better.

We also got the "green light" to finish clearing out our office and to order a portable ping pong table, foosball table, and several games so the young people have something pleasant to do there with each other.  We will roll these out on Monday nights and on Institute nights after classes.  

We took a little time this week to plant some plants in the landscaping.  We have such wonderful weather year round that you can grow what we nurse along inside as houseplants back home.

Our Front Porch Area

Our new little hibiscus

Sweet Gardenias

This Saturday, we took a break and went over to the surfing competitions on the North Shore.  There are big waves coming-in.  Pipeline Beach had some powerful ones to either give the surfers a thrill or tumble them end over end.  We saw it work both ways!

Surfer at Pipeline Beach  (far left of the wave)

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