Here Today Gone to Maui

 We have been having a wonderful time with the Wights.  We have carved out time to be out and about seeing some of the sights here including Sea Life Park.  We really enjoyed putting an ice cream social together for the Institute Class.  It was so fun serving all the brownies, ice cream, toppings and whip cream they can eat.  What a happy group.  We love serving them.

On Friday, we flew over to Maui to do a house swap with Elder & Sister Horton, the Institute Senior Couple here on Maui.  We have had a blast with Ron & Ann snorkeling and going on a whale-watching cruise.  We will leave Maui on Wednesday in time for our Institute class.  

We watched all of the sessions of General Conference.  We found answers to our problems and concerns.  Our hearts rejoiced to here President Nelson use the words that we heard in our youth that every worthy young man should serve a mission.

Sea Life Park

State Park in Maui

My Favorite Person Under the Banyan Tree

Sunset on the Beach at Maui

Okay, not one that I took but we did see one this close

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