Fishers of Men

 It struck me this week what a privilege it is to be able to serve a mission.  To be called of God by a prophet and given an assignment by an apostle of Jesus Christ.  You are set apart by a stake president who has been given keys to do so by a general authority sent by the Quorum of the Twelve and First Presidency.  You are given the apostolic assignment to go out into the world to minister in the name of Jesus Christ.  

With very few exceptions, most who have served an honorable mission and have pursued a successful life will confess to you that their service as a missionary was foundational to their success and happiness in their life after that.  I admit that my desire to gain an education, live a life of service, to work hard, and to be positive all sprouted and grew during my mission as a young man.  It is possibly one of the most important areas of training I received in my life.  I highly recommend it to any of my descendants either male or female.  In fact, I made it a point to seek my wife from a pool of young women who had served a mission.  Her preparation there has been a blessing to me and our children.  I have never had to doubt her loyalty nor her testimony that was tried in the furnace of her mission in Norway.

We find that fortunately, all of our children also served missions.  It has also served as a solid foundation for each of their ensuing successful lives.  I watched a father fishing with his son.  He took the time to show him how he baited the hook and prepared the line. While his son held the bell that would be attached to the pole to alert them of a hooked fish, he watched his father wade out into the water and cast. I hope that my grandchildren will look to their father's experience of being "fishers of men" and want to emulate their example.  A life of compassion and service to your family and to others is a key to happiness.  I highly recommend it.

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