Our Sprint to the End!

 We only have less than 2 months left of our mission.  That mean that we have 3 more institute lessons to teach, 4 more seminary classes to attend and monitor the lesson completions and roll, and 3 more Sunday school lessons to teach in our assigned ward.  

Sadly, we took Adam, Justyna, Hazel, and Ezra to the airport on Thursday and sent them home.  What a delight they were to have here and to love.  It helps us make it through our mission to have those little "doses" of love from our family now and then.  We will forever remember little Ezra reading the green sheep book and saying, "Where'd he go?"  We will remember the game of "I've got the girl" in the ocean that we played several times with Hazel.  We will also remember the pride we had as we introduced Adam and Justyna to our students and and friends here.  We played on the beach and the ocean almost everyday with them.  We watched sunrises and sunsets, and went on beautiful walks together.  Surely, heaven holds some of those same experiences for us.

Janice and I are amazed as we look back and see the things that we have been involved in here on our mission.  We have established a gathering place for the young single adults who are not BYU Hawaii students - a safe and pleasant place for them to come and enjoy one another's company.  We hope that the foundation we have laid will be built upon as time progresses here.  What a joy it has been to be involved in helping young men and women prepare for their missions, to adjust when they get home, and to socialize in a setting where perhaps they will find their eternal companions.

We have a meeting tonight with the stakes to discuss establishing an institute council.  We hope to see great things grow out of it!  Here is the link to the handbook about it: Establishing a Gathering Place for Young Single Adults

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