Welcome to May!

 We made it through another week wondering where the time disappeared to after it was over.  We kept very busy with recruitment activities that included attending a lot of activities and spreading the word about Institute.  We start up this next week and we are excited to start teaching again.  We held our last session of the adaptive needs seminary class.  We must say that we have loved working with that group of young people.  They are so loving and accepting of each other.  We have made instant friends with all of them.

We snuck over to the world fire knife junior competition at the PCC

and enjoyed the young people doing a spectacular job.  I have inserted a video of a young lady that was competing.  

We got the sweetest call from one of our former institute students that decided to change his life while he was here in Hawaii.  He has moved back to Texas to work with his Bishop there to submit his mission papers.  After chatting for a bit on the phone, he tenderly told us that he loved us and thanked us for being here while he got on the right track.  Truth be told, his returned sister missionary girlfriend probably had a lot more to do with it than we did but we appreciate the courage and repentant attitude of this good young man.  

We have been surrounded by people who have contracted Covid.  They have been sick and we have given them a test kit and guess what?  It turned up positive.  Janice and I want to get our boosters as soon as possible.

Janice talked to all of her children on the phone today or video chatted with them.  They are so kind in remembering her and showing their appreciation through word and deed.  What a gift from heaven she has been for me as she has given me 6 wonderful children, been my councilor and partner for 43 years, and works herself to death to serve her family.  We are blessed to have her.  Here she is with her Relief Society Sisters this morning in Church.

We keep seeing spectacular sunsets here!

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