We are Back in Business!

 We got to teach our first Institute lesson of the Spring term this week.  It was so good to have those gospel discussions back after our 3-week break.  We also got to teach Thursday night's lesson because Brother Meyers was sick.  The students are so fun to be around and so full of life.  It is exciting to be at this crossroad of their life.  Most of them are from other places (the Pacific Islands, China, Mongolia, India, Japan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and even the United States.  They are diligently studying, working, and socializing.  They believe that what they are doing here will better their lives.  

We traveled to Honolulu twice this week.  On Thursday, we had to do a Costco run to get some treats for Seminary.  While there, we stopped by the Honolulu Institute office and I got a few answers on how to close out the year for Seminary on the Church's web-based grading system. 

As we were coming home, we witnessed this spectacular rainbow.  This is my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (Janice, not the car).  

Friday, we got to attend the beautiful temple here.  It is particularly breathtaking to step outside after you are done.  The view is stunning.  You can see all the way to the beach, the ocean, and off the edge of the earth.  It is like you get a glance of eternity.

That night we took tickets for one of the Luau's.  We worked with a new senior couple from Canada.  They are a little older than us and have been married for just 2 years.  We are amazed at the level of faith that some of our colleagues have.  We do it because it is just a lot of fun! 

Saturday morning we woke up with our air conditioner not working.  This was the third air conditioner since we got here from the mission.  We decided that we needed something a little more reliable so we went into town and bought one of our own (a different brand) from Sam's Club.  It works really well and we think this will last us the rest of our mission.

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