Busy Week!

 We had a busy week again.  We are preparing for our June activity this coming week.  We have reserved a church cultural hall for it this coming Thursday since BYU H will not schedule any space during finals week.  

Student Art Work

Clay sculptures (Student Work)

Pottery waiting to be fired for glazing

More Student Work

We are fortunate to work just across the way from the University's Art Studio complete with potter's wheels and kilns.  Janice his waiting to have her bowl fired for glazing.  I frequently take my painting over to work on while she does pottery.  

Pizza Party after Institute on Thursday
We have a lot of fun with the Institute groups each week.  It really energizes us to be with them.  We are getting to know quite a few of them and are impressed with how good they each are.  We have students from all over the world who have made big sacrifices to be here.

Sunsets here are fantastic!  One of our favorite activities

Feels so good to have our feet in the warm sand.

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