June Institute Activity

 We wrapped up this block of Institute with an activity on Thursday night.  BYUH would not let us schedule the building because of finals this week.  Instead, we scheduled the Laie North Stake Center and held a dinner with an evening of games.  Janice baked hundreds of cookies. In addition, she made about 5 gallons of macarroni salad and 3 gallons of rice.  We were able to get some kalua pork from the

Polynesian Cultural Center along with 6 gallons of macadamia nut ice cream.  We have never seen young people eat so much.  Most came back for seconds and many for thirds.  One skinny young man came back five times.  We could not turn him away.  It was a miracle of the loaves and fishes.  We know for a fact that we served much more than the 40 pounds of pork we had purchased.  There was plenty and some left over.  
We typically have the junior missionaries attend

Institute students playing nine square

Everlasting, rice, pork, salad, & cookies

We will not teach an Institute class this coming week because Janice is scheduled for knee replacement surgery on Wednesday.  

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