
 This week has been a whirlwind of emotions and events.  Not only did we get to talk to the couple that is replacing us (The Chamberlains from Tokerville Utah) but also found out that we cannot extend our mission.  After making a few calls and meeting with the mission president we found out once a replacement has been called there is very little that can be done to extend.  Come to find out, we would have had to request an extension in June.  We missed the boat.  We didn’t want to make a fuss so started wrapping our heads around that and then had the thought, “We wonder if the Education department might be able to use our help here.”  So we contacted our good friend Jonathan Shute (our ITEP director from our last mission) and he referred us to Kurt Johnson, the director of the education department and they offered us a position teaching a course here and supervising a few student teachers for winter semester.  This allows us to stay through April even after we are released from our mission.  All we need to do is find an apartment (that is a HUGE challenge) and a car.  What a deal!  That will also give Janice the opportunity to get her other knee replaced here.

Today, we are passing out hundreds of flyers for the start of institute.  We start our classes again this week.  Please pray for us.  😁😁🤙

Devtional in the French Polynesian Village 

Such wonderful sky colors at sunset

Some of our seminary students Thursday afternoons

Sunsets are the best date night!

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