September Centipedes

 August was over before we knew it and now we are soaring through September.  This is the week of my birthday and two of my best birthday presents ever (my grandchildren Eliza's birthday is Sept. 5 and my grandson Isaac's birthday is Sept. 10).  We have been busy starting up institute and had our first day of class.  Our class had 30 students and Thursday night's class had 86 students.  That was pretty good for starters.  We will enjoy our group.  They are great young people!

We also held our Break the Fast potluck yesterday for the 120 or so senior missionaries.  It was good to rub shoulders with them and visit.  

We love teaching our Tongan Ward Sunday school class.  They are so respectful and have a wonderful sense of humor.  We have been here long enough that most of the time we are out and about, we will have someone we know give us a wave and shout a hello as they go by.  

Our house continues to be hot.  It does cool down to about 81 degrees at night inside but we keep our air conditioner going in our bedroom.  Apparently, a centipede thought he would also cool off and crawled into bed with Janice and gave her a bite on the arm last night.  I woke up with her searching her side of the bed with her ipad screen on so she wouldn't wake me up  - - wait a second, there is a centipede in our bed and she doesn't want to wake me up?  We

turned on the lights and found him.  Janice escorted him off of our bed on her pillow, shook him to the floor, and I dispatched him with my shoe.  Needless to say, we are thoroughly spraying the inside and outside of our bedroom.

We love the work here and feel sad that it is drawing to a close.  I have applied for an adjunct faculty position in the Education Department for Winter Semester so we can stay a little longer even if we are not missionaries.  Janice is getting stronger each day on her knee.  We hope to put that behind us soon so she doesn't have to worry about it so much.  For now, she will be worrying about centipedes. 😁

Flowers at our Apartment

Our garden of Eden with Pineapple, Papaya, etc.

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